Blog Category: Christmas Gifts

The Lombok Lodge Liquid Gold

25 November 2021

MADU RAJA TRIGONA When you hear the word “bee” what is the first thought that comes to your mind? Is it maybe the delicious honey? The buzzing sound of bees? Or is it maybe the thought that bees can sting you? If you associate bees..

‘Lombok’ komt naar JOU toé voor Kerst!

19 November 2020

Het begint al veel op Kerstmis te lijken en we zijn bijna terug in de mooiste tijd van het jaar. Here Comes Santa Claus! Helaas met Gezichtsmaskers enPlexiglas, en ook met Kerst-Inkopen ‘Anders-Dan-Anders’ dit jaar. Hier in ‘The Lombok Lodge’ betreuren het ten zeerste dat..

It’s Beginning To Look A Lot Like Christmas!

7 December 2019

We are almost back to the most wonderful time of the year. While on the other half of the world people are celebrating another white Christmas, The Lombok Lodge invites you to experience a tropical Christmas unlike any other ‘Christmases’ that you have had before…

The Lombok Lodge Collection

23 November 2018

Looking for the Perfect Gift for the Holiday Season? Get festive with The Lombok Lodge Christmas gifts for 2018.Discover the lovely range of decorative items at The Lombok Lodge Boutique.